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對貼文按「怒」? Facebook 推出 6 種新情緒!

2015/10/09 09:02 文/記者譚偉晟 

Facebook 用戶期待已久的「Dislike」功能終於有進一步消息了!Facebook 宣布即將在西班牙和愛爾蘭,開啟一項新的功能測試,也就是用戶除了按「讚」之外,現在還可以選擇六種情緒反應,來針對不適合按讚的文章,提供更多表達共鳴的方式!

Facebook 開始測試新的按讚功能(圖片來源/Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook)

Facebook 創辦人 Mark Zuckerberg 在自己的動態上揭露了這個訊息,也就是 Facebook 將加入新的按讚功能。將過去不管什麼文章,都只能按讚的選項,調整成除了「Like」之外,還有「Love 喜愛」、「Haha 大笑」、「Wow 哇」、「Yay 耶」、「Sad 難過」、「Angry 憤怒」六種情緒選項!

Facebook 開始測試新的按讚功能(圖片來源/Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook)

在先前國外媒體的訪問中,Facebook 已經提到會研發更豐富的按讚功能,但所使用的方式不會讓動態牆出現太多負面情緒,因此每一個情緒選項都經過設計,讓人看了心情都會好上一些。

Meet the new Reactions.

Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday, October 8, 2015

至於會先選擇西班牙與愛爾蘭為測試地點,是為了確保發文者和朋友都可以使用這項功能,由於上述兩國有著跨國朋友較少的優勢,因此更適合進行這項測試。此外 Facebook 也提到,儘管用戶覺得按讚的功能不夠完備,但這並不表示用戶希望使用「Dislike 爛」的選項。為了避免負面的情緒散布,最負面的情緒選擇只推出 Angry。 具體的操作方式,可以參考以下影片。

Today we're launching a test of Reactions -- a more expressive Like button. The Like button has been a part of Facebook for a long time. Billions of Likes are made every day, and Liking things is a simple way to express yourself.For many years though, people have asked us to add a "dislike" button. Not every moment is a good moment, and sometimes you just want a way to express empathy. These are important moments where you need the power to share more than ever, and a Like might not be the best way to express yourself.At a recent Townhall Q&A, I shared with our community that we've spent a lot of time thinking about the best way to give you better options for expressing yourself, while keeping the experience simple and respectful. Today we're starting to test this.Reactions gives you new ways to express love, awe, humor and sadness. It's not a dislike button, but it does give you the power to easily express sorrow and empathy -- in addition to delight and warmth. You’ll be able to express these reactions by long pressing or hovering over the Like button. We’re starting to test Reactions in Ireland and Spain and will learn from this before we bring the experience to everyone. We hope you like this – or can better express how you’re feeling!

Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday, October 8, 2015

不用抽 不用搶 現在用APP看新聞 保證天天中獎  點我下載APP  按我看活動辦法
