疑似三星Z Fold 6原型機流出。(圖/翻攝X)
雖然三星旗艦摺疊機Z Fold 5剛發表沒多久,網路上已經流出Z Fold 6原型機,從原型機看來,暗示下一代的外型可能大改,捨棄歷代以來的長方機身,外型偏向寬平方正。
知名爆料者ICE UNIVERSE在X(原推特)PO出了Z Fold 6原型機,據他表示,他先前曝光的S24 Ultra渲染圖已經獲得供應鏈確認早期設計,也就是螢幕將更為平面化,而Z Fold 6跟S24 Ultra的外觀設計也將更一致,意指現在看到的Z Fold 6原型機,將跟S24 Ultra的外型相差不遠。
Tell you a good news,My S24 Ultra rendering has been confirmed by the supply chain. If you are still not impressed with S24 Ultra, you can watch this video, which is one of the prototype designs of Fold6. Its middle frame, flat bottom and radian are exactly the same as the design… pic.twitter.com/knhBs3m7hN
— ICE UNIVERSE (@UniverseIce) August 28, 2023
不過他也說,這只是Z Fold 6的原型機之一,三星之後還是有可能進行其他調整。另外,從現在洩露的照片看來,Z Fold 6的機身邊角都變得更為方正,不再帶有圓潤感。